Posts Tagged ‘life’

my daily activity

July 3, 2009

usually i’m sitting on my chair then begin to work, paint, browse, or something else on my desk




still working

still working













nothing to do

nothing to do


see the clock

see the clock

oh it’s 12 a clock, i have to eat, my tummy worms were mosing


go downstairs

go downstairs

. . .

after i go upstairs, i did those activity again and again, and if i didn’t go downstairs to find the food, i’ll take a nap.


*btw why i always put ‘ing’ on those description? i’m sure it’s very very ngasal, pasti ngaco banget kalo dibaca orang yang bisa bahasa inggris, ya bodo ah, suka suka gw, kan keren kalo ada ingnya huahahaha asal banget lu ken-__-“

Sadarlah,Liburan sudah berakhir

January 9, 2008

Senin 7 Januari 2008.awal semester 2.

Hari ini gue uda mulai sekolah lagi”haaa~aah” (lesu mode on) , gue harus meninggalkan hari-hari terindah gue dirumah, laying on the bed, sleep as long as you want, playing with laptop and internet, wake up in the afternoon or evening, sleep in evening or morning, nobody bother you, do what you want, going to the mall, shopping with your friends, no school, no books, no task, no exams, no teachers, no absents, no punishments, no wake up at 5.00 am, not going to the class which located in floor 3  and can reach only by stairs, no hot classroom, disasters in place called school? nothing, school things is nothing, but it’s nothing in only 2 weeks, 2 weeks later i’ll not able to do what i want, and i must to go to the place that it’s called “SCHOOL”or “GAKKOU” or “SEKOLLAAAAAAAHH”.why holiday is past already, why just 2 weeks, why i am not be able to be smart and genius without school?..

[my mind : think with your own brain,you can answer it huhh? are you stupid or moron?]

[my mind2: i think i am stupid and moron : D]

liburnya kok dikit bangeeet ya? kenapa cuman 2 minggu? bentar bangeet.. gue masi pengen bangun soree, tidur pagii, begadang, maen laptop sampe pagi, makan ga teratur, ga mandi, makan tidur makan tidur, ga belajar, tapi perjalanan gue masi panjang banged kayaknya. sekarang aja baru kelas 1 SMA, baru mulai semester kedua, harus beusaha buat jadi pinter yah. yauda-lah. namanya juga rutinitas, mao ga mao harus dijalanin,

haaaa~ahhh, sekolah lagii!!! (-_-)