Archive for the ‘dropped a line’ Category

such a ‘think’

September 26, 2009

i have my think, and i want to put it here. .

‘different friend, different situasion’

a : ‘ eh ken, si itu mana?’

iken : gatau

b : ‘eh ken liat itu ga?

iken : gatau

c : ken itu mana? biasanya sama lo

iken : gatau

(kenapa mereka menyapa gw hanya untuk mencari itu)

their eyes, never see my face

‘punya temen eksis, ga selamanya baik’

‘susah pnya temen eksis, kadang membuat tekanan batin’

‘saya senang ketika dia ngobrol dengan saya tentang hal hal yang kita suka, tapi apabila sudah menjurus dengan orang orang yg …… maka saya menjadi muak’

‘yeah i know you’re good, and people love you, not like me, i’m not good at all and sure sometimes i hate you, jealous? i do maybe i don’t know

i hate when people ask me out, but their reason is JUST to accompany you, so then you’ll have a transportation to go and back to your house, because i’m near you, and i’ll be your transportation

i hate you, but i’m not, and i HATE THEM TOO

so what should i do?

pengen posting tapi

September 21, 2009

saat ini gw berada dalam kebimbangan, banyak ide ide mengalir diotak gw, hanya saja gw malas untuk mengekspresikannya maka gw menulis ini.

gw mau posting banyak hal, tapi knapa gw males, yaudah gw g jadi posting deh, capek *loh.

sampai jumpa esok hari

draaawing draawing

September 13, 2009

saat ini, gw sedang rajin menggambar, gw menciptakan suatu karakter yang gw yakini bahwa itu mirip gw, berparas dongo dan bermuka cengo, dia gw ciptain pas gw lagi disuruh menggambar huruf 40 yg dihias hias.

IT’S HER! or. . him, or whatever

happybest friends!im fool


lucu kan, tampak dungu, gua banget, hahahah udah ah mau share aja hehe

dedicated for all mothers in the world :)

June 21, 2009

Mama melahirkan kita sambil menangis kesakitan. Masihkah kita menyakitkannya?
Masih mampukah kita tertawa melihat penderitaannya?

Mencaci makinya?
Memukulnya? Mengacuhkannya?


Mama tidak pernah mengeluh membersihkan kotoran kita waktu masih kecil,
Memberikan ASI waktu kita bayi,

Mencuci celana kotor kita,

Menahan derita,

Menggendong kita sendirian.

Di saat mamamu tidur, coba kamu lihat matanya dan bayangkan matanya takkan terbuka untuk selamanya, tangannya tak dapat hapuskan airmatamu dan tiada lagi nasihat yang sering kita abaikan, bayangkan mamamu sudah tiada, apakah kamu cukup membahagiakannya, apakah kamu pernah berfikir bertapa besar pengorbanannya semenjak kamu berada di dalam perutnya.

Ingat-ingatlah lima aturan sederhana untuk menjadi bahagia:

1. Bebaskan hatimu dari rasa benci.
2. Bebaskan pikiranmu dari segala kekuatiran.

3. Hiduplah dengan sederhana.

4. Berikan lebih banyak (give more)
5. Jangan terlalu banyak mengharap (expect less)

SADARILAH bahwa di dunia ini tidak ada 1 orang pun yang mau mati demi MAMA, tetapi…
Beliau justru satu-satunya orang yang bersedia mati untuk melahirkan kita…

Mama bukan tempat penitipan cucunya disaat anda jalan jalan,

tetapi disaat beliau sudah tua dan tak bertenaga, yang beliau butuhkan sekarang adalah perhatian anda , datang & hampiri dia , bertanyalah bagaimana kesehatannya saat ini dan dengarlah curhatnya, temani dia disaat dia membutuhkan anda,  itu saja…. beliau sudah bahagia sekali dan melupakan semua hutang anda kepadanya


takenfrom : mindfocus


June 21, 2009

just now i changed my personal message into this :  ‘ i heart your promise’

then he asked, what’s the meaning of your pm, i don’t understand, you’re confusing me

then i told him the meaning, but still, he didn’t understand, he said it’s confusing people, and suggest why i don’t use another words (ex : like, love or whatever)

i know, some people may know the meaning of those ‘HEART’ things and some people may not

okay after that i deleted those pm, then he laughed and told me about the real definition of heart, and laughing the people which said that the heart colored pink, not dark red, i couldn’t understand him

so my question is. .

what’s wrong with heart? what’s wrong if i type heart in the middle of my personal message

is it wrong?  i thought there’s no difference if i type heart or like or even love ..

my definition :

i love your promise

i your promise

i (heart) your promise

i heart your promise

is it wrong?

would you help me to answer, people?

hell-o FRIENDS

June 16, 2009

i made this for you FRIENDS 🙂 and my BF hehehe, sorry, it’s not good enough


hope you like it guys. love you 🙂

Am i?

January 19, 2009

he is wrong

but . .

don’t always think that you’re wrong, he have to know it, tell him

i know i wrong

no you’re not, you always blame yourself, until you die, he’ll not understand what you mean because you’re not telling him!

uh. . i am just.  .



am i always blame myself?

love is you

January 18, 2009

this is how i feel, whenever i’m with you, everything is all about you too good to be true, somehow i just can’t believe, i wish you will end happily, even know we are a part, i can feel you here next to me, here and now i will love, stay with me, let me love you with all my heart, you are the one for me, you are the light of my soul, let me hold you with my arms, wanna feel love again, wanna feel love again, and i know love is you, love is you


adopted from love is you song

x love y

January 18, 2009

x loves y, it never happens before, not with all her ex, it’s the first time she felt it, she can’t lose him, she didn’t know why she said that, but it’s true

x : y. .

y : hm?

x : i saw your post this morning, about your holiday *blushing*

y : about what? where?

x : about something

y : ?

x : you said you’re happy, when i read it, i feel very happy

y : huh?

x : and your post about me, it makes me laugh

y : haha you know

x : you are very kind y, you make me happy, sorry if  i always distrubing you, i’m not usefull, such a waste *crying*

y : don’t say that

x : okay i’ll try y :,)


Oh partner in crime iloveyou

January 18, 2009
happily ever after

happily ever after

iloveyou deh,

we had a same condition sat,

you know we can pass it,

you and me need a new life, which we dream it everynight

i love my past and you dream a future

i’ll always by your side whenever you need me 😀